Gum Recession: What Can a Dentist Do to Help?

Mild cases of gum recession can be improved with nonsurgical treatments, such as topical antibiotics, dental adhesives, or orthodontics. However, in most cases, gum retraction surgery is needed to fully correct the problem. In cases of gum recession, the Dentist in Atlanta GA may suggest scraping and smoothing the roots. This is a two-part procedure performed by your Dentist in Atlanta GA.First, all the plaque and hardened tartar above and below the gum line (where the gum meets the tooth) are removed.

The dentist will then perform root smoothing, which involves smoothing the roots of the teeth to help the gums reattach to the teeth. The dentist may offer you a local anesthetic during the procedure and it may take more than one visit to complete. If gum recession becomes a problem, there are several periodontal treatment options. If gum disease is a problem, we can use scraping and root smoothing to thoroughly clean the gums and teeth below the gum line, preventing the progression of cavities. To repair retracted gums, we can use a procedure called gum grafting.

This is a minor surgical procedure that involves removing healthy gum tissue from another part of the mouth and placing it where the gums have retracted, providing additional tissue for the gums to grow back. Usually, we remove donor tissue from another part of the mouth, but gum grafting can also be done with tissue grown in the laboratory. Scraping and root smoothing are some of the first treatments for gum retraction that a dentist may recommend. Left untreated, retracted gums can expose the root of the tooth, which is much more vulnerable to tooth decay and can cause cavities to form. Finally, healthy gums are responsible for keeping teeth firm in place, but retracted gums weaken that hold and can cause tooth loss.

The best thing to do is to have regular checkups with your dentist, as a professional can identify and treat gum problems. In addition to gingivitis, one of the most common problems faced by patients with gums is gum recession and, as a Manahawkin dentist, the treatment team at Federici Dental can use a variety of options to help treat this problem. Strict oral hygiene is important for keeping your gums healthy, but sometimes flossing with too much pressure can also cause your gums to retract. Find out how to tell if you have retracted gums, what causes them, and the options available to help stop the problem. The best protection against gum shrinkage is regular checkups with a dentist and a good oral health routine. During scraping and root smoothing, the dentist will clean tartar and plaque from the surface of the teeth and the roots of the teeth.

Your dentist may recommend using a short course of antimicrobial mouthwash, such as Corsodyl 0.2% mouthwash, to help reduce bacteria and prevent infections. Checkups also allow the dentist to identify and replace any defective fillings or ill-fitting partial dentures, which can contribute to gum retraction. The dentist will then use special instruments to smooth the roots, helping the gums to reattach to the tooth. As an expert in dental care and periodontal treatments, I highly recommend that anyone who suspects they may have receding gums should visit their dentist as soon as possible for an evaluation. Early detection is key in preventing further damage from occurring.

With proper diagnosis and treatment from your dentist or periodontist, you can restore your smile back to its original beauty.

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