What is an initial exam at the dentist?

The initial exam will include a thorough inspection of the mouth, tongue, and teeth. The dentist may request a series of dental x-rays. A dental exam is a review of your teeth and gums. Most children and adults should have a dental exam every six months.

These tests are important to protect oral health. Oral health problems can become serious and painful if not treated promptly. It is recommended to perform dental x-rays once every one to three years, depending on the patient's age and health status. However, dental x-rays are often part of a complete dental exam.

This is particularly the case if this is the patient's first visit to a certain dentist. Dental x-rays reveal more information that an oral exam alone cannot reveal, such as bone loss in the jaw, impacted teeth, etc. Dental cleaning is usually done the same day as the full dental exam, although the patient can schedule the cleaning for a follow-up visit if desired. Dental exams are used to help detect tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems early, when they're easier to treat.

To prepare for your dental exam, you just need to know your medical history, radiation history, and allergies before going to the dentist. Following a schedule of regular dental cleanings and exams will save you time, money and potential oral health problems in the future. A typical dental exam will include a cleaning by a hygienist, x-rays at certain visits, and a mouth check by the dentist. These tests can make the difference between the need for invasive dental procedures and a future of easy dental visits.

A thorough dental exam is a great way to determine if there are any oral health problems that need to be addressed and to avoid the need for more extensive treatments in the future. Even if you follow an excellent oral hygiene routine at home, it's a good idea to have a dentist perform a thorough exam. An oral exam is used along with dental x-rays to determine if there are any oral health problems that need to be treated. Routine dental exams are the most effective way to identify abnormalities in the mouth and prevent potential problems from increasing in size and severity.

Now, with a greater understanding of the dental exam procedure, it's clear that there's nothing to fear when going for a routine dental checkup. The dentist will examine the area around the jaws and also the soft tissues of the mouth for signs of oral cancer. The growing number of cases of oral cancer has led many dentists to include oral cancer screening during dental exams. However, most comprehensive dental exam services include dental x-rays, an oral exam, screening for signs of oral cancer, and teeth cleaning and polishing.

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